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Algorithm Trees & Graphs Math & Number Theory Data Structures & Advanced Algorithms Sorting & Search stl Strings Geometry Basic Algorithms dynamic programming Interval Tree PBDS Data Structures & Advanced Algorithms Policy-Based Data Structures Hilbert Mo's Mo's Algorithm Square Root Decomposition Discrete Square Root Euler Tour Technique Non-Recursive Segment Tree GCD Segment Tree Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation 2D Fenwick Tree 2D Segment Tree Segment Tree - kth merge sort tree Graph Realization Problem Tree Isomorphism Dual Graph General Matching Gale-Shapley Algorithm Stable Marriage Problem Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm Relabel-To-Front Algorithm Push-Relabel Algorithm Dinic's Algorithm LR Flow Edmonds-Karp Algorithm Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Block-Cut Tree Biconnected Component Tarjan's Algorithm Kosaraju's Algorithm Strongly Connected Component Eulerian Circuit Eulerian Path Sollin's Algorithm Borůvka's Algorithm Directed Acyclic Graph Independent Set Dial's Algorithm 0-1 BFS Shortest Path Faster Algorithm Diameter of Tree Postorder Traversal Inorder Traversal Number Theoretic Transform Red-Black Tree AVL Tree Preorder Traversal sparse table Topological Sorting Bipartite Graph Half Plane Intersection Bentley-Ottmann Algorithm Shamos-Hoey Algorithm Monotone Chain Andrew's Algorithm Graham Scan Line Intersection Counterclockwise Function Aho-Corasick LCP Array Treap Manacher Rabin-Karp Knuth-Morris-Pratt SOS DP Sum over Subsets Deque DP Bitfield Bit DP Berlekamp-Massey Kitamasa Method Hensel's Lemma Lagrange's Theorem Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm Discrete Logarithm Pollard's Rho Miller-Rabin Primality Test Burnside's Lemma Möbius Inversion Formula Inclusion-Exclusion Principle Lowest Common Ancestor Sprague-Grundy Theorem Sum of Squares Strassen's Algorithm RREF Rank of Matrix Matrices Karatsuba's Algorithm Permutation Cycle Decomposition Bogobogo Sort Bogo Sort Shell's Sort Intro Sort Tim Sort Euler's Phi Function Euler's Totient Function Lucas' Theory Pigeonhole Principle Extended Euclidean Algorithm Modular Operation Power by Divide and Conquer Parallel Binary Search Ternary Search Other Sorting Method tree dp Bitmasks valarray hash_multimap hash_multiset unordered_multimap unordered_multiset unordered_set forward_list prim's algorithm prime factorization Longest Common Subsequence 2-SAT unordered_map Sieve of Eratosthenes D&C BitSet divide and conquer prefix sum convex hull union-find Fenwick Tree Fast Fourier Transform Floyd-Warshall Gaussian elimination bellman-ford linear search bipartite matching mcmf ccw rotating calipers memoization minimum cost maximum flow parametric search minimum vertex cover nim game segment tree Disjoint Set priority_queue hungarian algorithm trie spfa flood fill LIS Probability hash_set hash_map combinatorics shortest path Longest Increasing Subsequence Breadth First Search Delaunay triangulation voronoi diagram Euclidean algorithm hashing Depth First Search Comb Sort Cocktail Sort suffix array minimum cut quick sort kruskal's algorithm rope LCA BCC selection sort multimap multiset MST chinese remainder theorem radix sort circulation tuple Linear algebra failure function clique DAG recursion flows ETT Cactus DP SMP articulation parsing ntt dfs LCS counting sort heap sort merge sort Game Theory SA Regex binary search BFS pair string backtracking fft Regular Expression SCC greedy set grid pbs deque vector bubble sort insertion sort order CRT Implementation Simulation span b-tree KMP Z ASCII array CW Queue list Brute Force Stack Dijkstra map minimum spanning tree